1. Dress to Impress -The most common complaint I get is from a woman about how the man was dressed. Remember, a date is not "work" so leave the work boots home, put on a sharp shirt and pants. Get a haircut, be clean shaven. Jeans are fine, as long as they are not "work" jeans. Women should dress nice and fashionable, not dating.com scam "business-like"...attraction is a component of a successful date. We all have some of this...and it should be an ingredient in any date. This is your first date and you should always put your best look forward. Wow them with your sense of style and commitment to be and look your very best for them. Take the time to dress and primp before the date. Ladies...don't forget your lipstick!
2. Be on time and don't reschedule - it sends a bad message. You are building a possible relationship (if that is what you are seeking). So, you should start with good scores from the get go. Unreliability has never been a hit in relationships. I'm sure we all have some stories about that. Unreliability from the get go can often lead to big issues later on.
3. Avoid ALL talk about exes - including ex boyfriends, ex husbands, ex girlfriends, etc... If you are talking badly about someone you chose to love at one point in your life, really, you are talking bad about yourself and will eventually talk bad about dating.com review the person you are on a date with. This is a "Lose-Lose" situation any way you slice it, so don't even go there. You would think we've all got this rule down by now, but I hear again and again - that people still do not get it. Never break this rule!! If your date asks you about your ex, politely respond with, "I would rather talk about you."

4. Don't complain (about anything). Again, we know this, but people still fail to comply. This is another no-brainer... it's your first impression and first time with this date, so don't complain about the restaurant, the service, or the food. Make light of it. If you really are getting bad service - make the most of it and say, "Well, we are still having fun despite the service here." Life is what you make it...so if you get a lemon, make some lemonade. People that do this well are impressive to others. This is an admirable trait and an easy one to develop.
5. If you like your date, show your interest. We don't read minds so signals of interest and approval are meaningful. We all want to be loved and dating.com scam adored. So if you find yourself admiring your date for his shoes, his confident demeanor, his sense of humor...let him know!! This will tell him you are confident enough to say and tell the truth and may very well get you to that second date - if that is what you want. (Be careful what you wish for... because if you follow this advice you will end up on a second date for sure!)
6. Honor the 50/50 rule: and NO, I'm not talking about the tab! Sorry guys, but I firmly believe that a first date (at the very least) is the guy's responsibility. I am talking about the conversation. Try to make sure that you are talking roughly half of the time and so is your date. A big complaint that I get is that "He/She monopolized the dating.com review conversation... I couldn't get a word in." Hence, the reason for this rule. Keep it in mind.
7. Don't tell your life story on a first date - EVER. Save it for the second, third, fourth, fifth dates... there is something sexy in a mystery. It is fun to explore and get to know someone over time. That is what builds a relationship. Always leave him (or her) wanting more... of YOU!
8. Don't go into any medical problems you may have on a first date - unless you have a med alert situation - then I suppose your date may need to know. Some daters, out of nervousness, may go overboard giving too much information (T.M.I.)... don't be guilty of dating.com scam this. It's a big turn off. This is also a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how many people make this mistake.
9. Smile, be happy and engaging. Be your best... enjoy your date. Everyone has something to bring to the table - no matter who they are. You can find good in everyone. Find that good in your date... and if you want to see him or her again... you will.
10. This dating game is more in your hands then you know (especially when you meet your date through a nice club like Precision Dating). If you want to see your date again, and you have followed rules 1 through 9 then you should be in a good position to move to the next level. At least one full day after the date, do call or dating.com review indicate in some way that you enjoyed the date and would love to do it again. The 24-hour call can be made by the male or female. Sometimes men need the green light. If you are the woman, and you make this call 24 hours after date #1 to tell him you'd like to do it again, and you don't hear back... then you should move on. However, that first 24-hour call is fair game and sometimes polite for the woman to do so. I've seen success stories both ways.
Deciding what to do on a first date can be a difficult decision to make, but it needn't be. There are numerous great first date ideas; it's just a matter of being open minded and creative. There are no rules to say you have to stick to the classic dinner date or a visit to the cinema, although there is nothing wrong with those ideas. There are many alternative first date suggestions all to suit different budgets and personalities. dating.com scam With some imagination you can make any date special and not necessarily at your expense.
Eating out for a first date doesn't limit you to a fancy restaurant. You have the option of a pub or bar, a coffee shop, a café, or even going for a picnic. Although these options do tend to cost less than restaurant prices, you can make them as classy as you wish. If you decide to have a picnic, you will have the opportunity to show off your creative skills by putting together a basket of your favourite dishes accompanied by a bottle of expensive wine.

A picnic can be enjoyed at a variety of locations including the park, the countryside, at the beach and even in your own garden or living room if the weather is bad. Eating out for a first date is usually a safe option, it provides a good location to talk, dating.com review plus food can be a distraction should conversation dry up. If you decide to have a meal on a first date, make sure you are aware of any food dislikes your date may have, which will save any unnecessary embarrassment, especially if you are responsible for booking a table at a restaurant.
Many people choose to go to the cinema for a first date. Although this is very popular, it doesn't give you the chance to spend quality time with your date. A first date is about getting to know one another by talking, and watching a film in a room with other people isn't ideal for a conversation, although if conversation becomes difficult a film will give you something to discuss. Great alternatives to the cinema are, the theatre, dating.com scam a comedy club, the opera, a concert, watching a film at home or even watching a pantomime. Some of these suggestions will allow you to dress up, while others are more casual allowing you to concentrate on one another. If you decide to watch a film in the comfort of your own home, you also have the option of eating in and the choice of your favourite films.
If you enjoy the outdoors, there are many options for a first date. Going for a long walk, whether it is in the park, at the seaside, in the countryside, or even just around your local town, will give you the chance to relax and get to know one another. Although simply going for a walk may not seem like your ideal first date, it can be accompanied by a picnic, or simply something you can enjoy before or after a meal. Other outdoor first dates include, going for a bike ride, horse riding, flying a kite, bird watching or even jogging. Some of these ideas will require a personal interest, but with the right company it can be exciting to try something new.
Active dates have become very popular. If you are both active people then an activity date is ideal. Great suggestions are, bowling, ice skating, go-karting, playing mini-golf, a game of tennis or squash, playing snooker or pool or even rock climbing, abseiling or bungee jumping. Some of these ideas are very adventurous and for some they dating.com review are perfect first date suggestions. If you decide on an active date, make sure your date is as enthusiastic as you are, otherwise the date could be disastrous.