top of page Scam - Free Dating Sites Not Always Better

Writer: Maria HernandezMaria Hernandez

Internet dating is big business. With over 100,000 dating sites online, it's hard to figure out which one to use. One of the most searched terms in Google is "free dating sites". scam There are some legitimate, completely free dating sites, but are these better? You've heard the old saying, "you get what you pay for". It's no different with internet dating.

Free always sounds great. Everyone loves free, but nothing is ever free. In some way, shape or form, we always matter what. Take one of the most simple things we might think is free - breathing. review If we pay taxes, we're paying for clean air to breath. If there was no organizations or laws to help keep the environment clean, we may not have clean air to breath and it would affect our health. Don't be fooled by the term free.

Free Dating Sites

Totally free dating sites have one benefit - the ability to contact people without having to pay money. But besides money, what do we really pay for using these sites? Let's take a look:

1. Scammers

Free dating sites are loaded with fake profiles and scammers. These scammers send the same email over and over again to members on the site. Usually, the email appears legitimate and is from an extraordinarily attractive person. They will offer to chat via an outside instant messaging platform because this gives them the ability to put links in the instant messages. They will then insert links like "hey, check out my web cam". scam These links will lead to a pornography site. The person has now spent, perhaps an hour talking to someone they think is real, only to be lured to a pornographic website.

Another common scam informs the member that there's a million dollars waiting for them in a bank account in Africa. These are just a couple of the common ones. There are many more, some very tricky. This is very common on free dating sites and members are frequently tricked into spending hours talking to someone they think is real and interested in them. review Would you consider this free?

Why do the owners of these dating sites allow this to happen? This leads to the second problem with free dating sites:

2. Service

The reason there are so many scammers on free dating sites is because no one is monitoring the site - because it's free. They're not concerned with customer complaints or problems, because the customers aren't paying anything. These free dating sites make money from advertising. scam Their goal is to drive people to the website to click on the ads so they get paid. They are interested in numbers only - driving a massive amount of traffic to the site. They could care less if the members are unhappy with the site. Their goal is NOT to put up a quality, well-liked, excellent dating site.

3. Advertising

Some free dating sites have so much advertising, it's hard to figure out how to use the site. As mentioned above, this is the way these sites make money. It's an easy way for them to make money without having to put much effort in.

Paid Dating Sites

Now lets take a look at paid dating sites and examine why these things don't occur on paid dating sites:

1. Paid Membership Keeps Scammers Away

Scammers are not going to pay to contact people. They may be able to post a profile on the site, but if they cannot contact anyone, it's a moot point. Even if there's a rare occurrence where they do pay, these sites are monitored. The profiles are manually approved and they have software in place that detects if someone is sending a scam email. review This software detects certain "scam words" within the email and flags it. It also detects if someone is sending the same email over and over again to different members.

The owners of paid sites want to keep their members happy, because it's their business! They don't just let anyone and everyone register.

2. Service

On paid dating sites, if a member sends an email, complaint or suggestion, they will get a response and their issue will be addressed. Even if the member is a non-paying member, they will get a response because the owners of the site want them to pay. scam They are concerned with the quality and reputation of their site because they want more people to pay for subscriptions. It's business and you get what you pay for.

3. Real People Serious About Finding Love

If someone is paying for a dating membership, they are, without a doubt, serious about meeting people and finding love. They're not just testing the waters and they're not just looking for a hook-up. They are looking for love, a partner and someone to share their life with. review Isn't that what we're looking for? Don't we want to meet others that are serious about finding someone special?

Free dating sites are filled with people that are just looking to hook-up or date casually.


The overall experience will be much better on a paid dating site. Stop thinking free - it's an illusion. That's not to say it's impossible to meet someone on a free dating site, but the scam chances of meeting someone real and serious are slim, and it will involve spending hours going through scammers and bogus profiles. Why is it people pay the big dating sites $30 - $50/month for membership? Because those sites are working!

If we're serious about meeting someone, we need to cough up the $10,$20, or $30 a month for a quality paid dating membership. review How much do we spend going out to bars to meet people - a whole lot more than that.


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