top of page Scam - 5 Tips to Finding the Best Dating Site

Writer: Maria HernandezMaria Hernandez

By simply typing the "top dating sites" words into Google search, you can find dozens of lists and reviews on the best and top online matchmaking websites. But, how would you know they truly are the best, what criteria to use for rating scam them and finally which ones to work with? Let us try to answer some of those questions here.

First of all, you need to realize that you have unique dating needs and this is the first and utmost criteria to judge any dating site by. Once you realize what you really expect from such sites, you can make decision on which ones of them review would be best for you personally. So, tip number one: sit down, relax and think over your personal expectations of the online dating providers.

Next, there is one major general criteria to rate dating services by. It is safety. You do not want to get yourself into dating scams. Thus, your safety has to be your priority. That is where all those reviews, feedback and ratings come handy.

So, the tip number two is this: browse the web, find clients' feedback on dating sites' safety and their experience with those sites before you decide to work with them.

Tip number three is: read carefully all the information on the site's FAQ, About Us and other important, but at times boring pages. This can help you to determine what anti scam policies those dating agencies have and to figure out if they really, truly are top dating sites. Most respectable, reputable and well known dating sites take good care of this issue, because various dating scams can ruin their reputation and business.

Now, the number of features and services a site offers can also serve as good criteria of its quality and top position. For example, some top dating sites offer such convenient services as email addresses, translation services for international dating, gift sending services, extended profile options, easy searches, etc. So, the forth scam tip is: browse through the site you want to work with and see, how eager are these people to get you comfortable and easy to work with them.

Here we come to the fifth and very practical tip on selecting the best dating site to work with: find out if the site you want to work with has a free trial membership and go with it, even if it offers some limited profile options. Try it out first, before you actually pay your money for their services.

Finally, I would like to give you a small list of some of the top dating sites to start with and brief reviews on them: - this site has a long questionnaire to fill in before you can register with them. But it works. Their marriage rate is very high and divorce review rate is very low. Just take time to fill it in and you can use a free basic membership option there. - with millions of users online you surely would have great chances of finding your mate. Free membership available, as well as many great features.

Unfortunately, date rape (also referred to as acquaintance rape) is a common phenomenon in our society. Although we typically think of rapists as masked men jumping out from darkened shadows or sneaking through an open bedroom window, the reality is that 70 percent of all rape victims knew their assailants. More shockingly, 84 percent of college females report being raped by acquaintances. Relationships and dates should scam be fun, not violent, nor deceptive. To protect yourself from date rape, consider the following counter-measures:

Acknowledge that date rape is real! According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, a rape occurs every 2 minutes and a woman is victimized by an intimate partner every 52 seconds. It is estimated that only 25% of rapes are reported. The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress report, from a recent college campus survey, that 50% of college women have been a victim of rape, attempted rape, touched sexually against her review will or was a victim of sexual coercion. Additionally, 84% knew their attacker and 57% of date rapes occurred while on a date. 1/3 of all rape victims contract an STD from the rapist

The first defense is psychological. It's important to develop a psychological fortress concerning your rights. Know that you have a right to be safe. You possess your own body and you have the right to refuse sexual contact. Therefore, if your date or friend makes advances that make you uncomfortable, firmly refuse. Make it abundantly clear that you are not just saying "No", but "Hell no"!

Avoid being alone with your date, especially if he has been drinking or taking drugs. Steer clear of darkened, confined areas. Stay in well-lit areas with scam a group of other people. Double date.

Alcohol serves to disarm a potential rape victim. 90% of all date rape cases occur when the victims are drunk. Often the date rapist will seduce their victim with alcohol, then assault her when she becomes impaired or even rendered unconscious. An ill-intentioned predator may provide the victim with highly sweetened alcoholic drinks in an effort to disguise the taste and quantity of alcohol present. Since the sweetness masks the the alcoholic taste, the victim is unaware of how much she is imbibing. In most date rape cases, review alcohol is the culprit. To prevent this from happening to you, watch what you drink and how much you drink.

Date rape drugs, such as GBH, Rohypnol and Ketamine are another tool that date rapists use to tear down your defenses. GBH's taste is easily masked by alcohol. A tipsy victim is less likely to detect the strange, slightly salty flavor under an alcohol cover. However, many date rape drugs are completely tasteless, colorless and odorless. Rohypnol is especially dangerous as it causes amnesia. When the victim wakes up, she can not recall the details of the assault, hence making police investigation and prosecution difficult. For additional information on date rape drugs and the effects these drugs have on the body, To guard against date rape drugs, always follow these simple rules:

Do not accept open drinks (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) from anyone you do not know or do not trust. Never leave your drink unattended. The instant you turn your back, a predator could slip a dose of date rape drug into your drink.

At bars and clubs, only accept drinks directly from the bartender and do not take your eyes off the bartender or your drink while it's being poured. Never order from scam a waitress or allow someone else to bring you a drink.

At parties, never accept drinks from a punch bowl, pitcher, mug or other open source. Only drink from closed containers such as bottles or cans that you open yourself.

If you feel intoxicated beyond normal for the amount of alcohol you have consumed, get help immediately.

Your safest bet is not to drink alcoholic beverages at all. Bring your own water bottle or thermos of your preferred beverage and drink what you have prepared instead of what is available at the party. Politely, but firmly, refuse offers of drinks. If someone remains persistent, excuse yourself and join another group.

What to do if all else fails and your aggressor has you cornered:

Yell for help...however, instead of shouting "help" or "rape", it is better to yell "FIRE". This will improve your chances that someone will respond.

Use a non-lethal self-defense device such as pepper spray, stun gun or kubuton to subdue your attacker. The objective is to stop the attack NOW.

Disgust him by saying that you are on your period, or are HIV positive. Perform disgusting actions such as vomiting or urinating.


Date rape is still a massively under-reported crime. The FBI estimates that up to 250,000 date rapes occur every year. Many women don't report date rape because they feel ashamed or afraid. This is magnified because the victim typically knows the review perpetrator well. Recent statistics show that women between the ages of sixteen to twenty five are four times more prone to date rape. This is why college campuses are considered hot spots for date rape crimes. Be cautious today so as to avoid being sorry tomorrow.


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