Here Jeanette is in the capital of love from review, Paris. She had spent the day walking down rue Saint Honor, past the decorated windows doing as the French called it 'leche vitrine' and she was alone and lonely. She had been assigned here for six months to set up a branch office because she had taken French in high school. Like they thought she remembered it now. She did have her laptop with her to stay in touch. She wanted to walk through Jardin Toiletries but walking arm in arm with someone significant. Or finally see Maison Europe nee de la Photo, but with someone to enjoy it with. Well, she decided to return to her apartment on rue Princesses, alone.

She set up her laptop and began to surf the net. She discovered there were online dating sites where she could interact in English so she decided to set up a profile. At least she would not see those same guys who took up residence on some of the US sites. She posted her passport photos. They were not great but they had to do. She had heard that there were more men than woman on these sites but if that was true they could not prove it by her responses. Either there were a lot of available English speaking men on the internet in France or she was a lone English speaking female from scam. She decided it made no difference and began to respond to the emails. Then she decided it would be dumb to just answer emails when these men said they lived in or around Paris, so she set up meetings.
Every day after work she had something scheduled somewhere either at a wine bar like Sancerre or Le Brandeis or a cafe like Cafe de la Nouvelle Marie. One evening she agreed to a meeting on the batboys. It was chilly but he actually looked like his picture. He put his arm over her shoulders to keep her warm. The French flag flapped in the breeze as the boat moved along la Seine. Tour Eiffel lit up and she knew she had a keeper.
Social Media, It's Like Online Dating for Your Business
Now you're probably thinking that's an odd statement to make, but I urge you to keep reading as I explain why it's completely true and how this approach will help you succeed in using social media for your business.
So, why the comparison?
Well whether you've tried online dating for yourself or not we've all heard of the horror stories of the person in the profile being very, very different to whom actually shows up on the first date from review. The 28-year-old Brad Pitt lookalike who enjoys the gym and walks on the beach turns out to be a 45-year-old couch potato who still lives with his parents.
The same applies to a lot of companies using social media, advertising themselves as a global business with a team of highly trained staff when really they're a one-man-band operating out of their parent's spare room.
Therefore it's crucial to see social media as an extension of you business, rather than a chance to be something you're not. If you're a one-person business then use that to your advantage, let your personality show through in your tweets and posts. That doesn't mean posting a drunken photo of you at 3am, outside a nightclub, tied to a lamppost. It means treating social media as you would a face-to-face meeting or a phone call; if you're a fun and lively character then make sure this comes across.
Just remember, boring social media = a boring company.
Also, trust is more important than ever in building a successful business like scam, and social media plays a huge role in this. In the years before Twitter, Facebook and Google+ existed if a company provided a poor level of service you told your family, friends and maybe a neighbor. But now, through social media, you can tell millions of people, people you've never even met of how poorly you've been treated.
The key to any negative feedback is how you react. If someone complains about your company via social media then make sure you send a prompt, polite reply through the same channels. Even if it only says you will call them in the next 15 minutes to discuss the problem, it shows anyone following the conversation that you are aware of the complaint and are dealing with it. Just make sure you do call them back! An already unhappy customer won't hesitate to tell the world they have been waiting a week for your phone call.
And finally, be honest with your audience. Chances are some of your current customers will be following you, and they probably won't be happy if you cancel today's sales meeting because of "a really bad case of flu", only to see you post a photo smiling on the first tee at Wentworth. Like being caught playing football with your friends when you were "too ill to make our date", the relationship from review is pretty much doomed.

The Online Dating Scams
You don't have to be a detective to know that online dating scams are rampant these days. However, you can surely avoid being a victim by taking note of the following:
Stop when you are being asked for money. Some scammers would tell their brother is sick or anything just for them to get a certain amount of cash from you. It is important not to give in to what they wish to get. No matter what they will think of you once you refuse the offer, just think that it isn't a normal behavior for someone so strange to ask for money especially when they have never met in person even for once. Be wary, scammers are quite creative. Sometimes, they will ask for airfare fees so they can visit you or they may ask the cash saying other reasons they could probably crafted just for you. As a rule, don't give cash no matter what their reason is.
An online scammer who wishes to communicate with you through emails is a big no. They wish to do this because they are aware that there is a big possibility for their profile to be soon deleted the moment online dating service from scam realizes their appalling activity. These people would normally send their email address on the first or second communication.
Watch out for people with fake pictures. It's best to trust your instinct. In case you see that the photo is quite suspicious, stop the communication. Photos displaying very beautiful woman or severely handsome men think they may also mean fake photos hence don't fall for them.
Online Dating Tips - How to Get Girls to Like You
To start off before we even get to the solutions you must accept the fact that when it comes to knowing a girl's next step guys have no clue. This is why most guys view girls as being complicated and is true they are. But in order to get girls to like you need to master the basic art of online attraction. Here are a few tips from review to get you started in the right direction.
Tip #1 - Your Profile Represents Who You Are
You have to understand that you are going to be judged by the things that are in your profile. For Example if a girl really likes you and decides to go on your profile only to see that there are a bunch of pictures of other girls I am sure she will be disappointed thinking the worst of you. You have to take this in to consideration and keep your profile in a way that shows what you want people to think of you. If you want people to be attracted by you then make your profile attractive. Practice this and you will be on the right track to master online dating.
Tip #2- How to Approach A Girl Online
The first thing to think about before approaching a girl online with a message or comment is that there are millions of guys out there about the send her the same cheesy pickup line that you are thinking about sending her. In order to impress a girl from scam just like in face to face approach is to be unique and be different from the rest. If you come with the same old stuff as other guys she won't even give you the time of day. You must learn to be smooth and the way to do it is to pay attention to her profile read it and finds something that you can relate with her. This is a great way to start a conversation that I am sure she will love to talk about. By doing this you are guaranteed a response back.
In order to utilize these tips to their full potential you must understand that it takes time and some rejections to actually master. The goal is not to give up and keep going you must not let rejection be the end of it. The way to look at it is to have rejection be your motivation to get better and better. Do this consistently and you will get girls from review to like you and even love you.